As our world grows more digitally connected, “tech neck” is becoming a widespread condition. It
is stiffness and soreness in the neck due to excessive use of computers, tablets, and other
electronic devices. It has a great impact on the person’s life. It will affect our eyesight too.
According to some experts, Tech neck can be treated by some exercise. Let’s explore
everything regarding tech neck, how exercise will help in case of tech neck?
What is tech neck?
Tech neck is due to putting forward head posture for a long duration of time, while using
electronic devices like mobile phone, laptop etc. Tech neck is also known as text neck. The
strain in the neck’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments is developed due to this posture, which
consequently causes discomfort or deterioration of the cervical spine if avoided for a long time.
Effect of exercise on tech neck
There are several healthcare professionals like physical therapists, chiropractors, and fitness
which advise specific exercises for neck related issues. The exercise helps in correcting
posture. Exercise helps in increasing flexibility and strengthening the neck muscles.
Recommended Exercises
The exercises which help in decreasing neck strain are to be prioritized, which can increase the
flexibility of neck muscles. Let’s discuss some exercise which are efficient in teck neck disorder:
● Chin Tucks: This exercise plays an important role in the strengthening of the front, and
stretches the back muscles of the neck. In chin tucks, you have to perform sit ups while
drawing your chin back. Stay in the same posture for a while and then release. Repeat it
as per your physiotherapist suggestions.
● Neck stretch: For the neck strainstrain relief, streching of neck muscles play a important
role. Till you feel a stretch, gently bend your head to one side and bring your ear towards
your shoulder. Stay as it is for 10-15 min, then change other side.
● Shoulder Blade Squeezes: The strengthing of upper muscles is very important for
getting good posture. The exercise involve the compression of both shoulder blades for
few minutes and then released. I can be performed by sitting or standing. Repeat the
exercise 10-15 times.
Tech neck is very painful and discomfortable. It will treated with appropriate exercise, diet and physiotherapist advice. Routine exercise, healthy diet and reducing your screen time, can help in maintaining good posture. For the beginners, it is essential to take suggestions from any health specialist before indulging with any new exercise. It will work efficiently and it will be safe.