Pirola Variant Spreads, India Ramps Up Genomic Surveillance

In Health, News
September 11, 2023
Pirola Variant Spreads

As the alarming spread of the Pirola coronavirus variant ravages communities across North America, UK, and China, you may be wondering if this new strain poses a threat to India as well. While Pirola has not yet been detected on Indian soil, the government isn’t taking any chances. They have ramped up genome sequencing efforts across the country to closely monitor for this variant of concern in an effort to curb its spread should it emerge. The Pirola variant is thought to be even more contagious than previous strains, and there are fears current vaccines may be less effective against it. With Covid-19 cases beginning to climb once again in parts of India, the race is on to determine if Pirola has already quietly slipped through the borders undetected.

What Is the Pirola Variant?

The Pirola variant, also known as B.1.1.7, is a mutated strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus first detected in the United Kingdom in December 2020. Pirola has since spread to over 50 countries, including the United States and China. This variant is more transmissible than previous forms of the virus, increasing the number of cases and threatening to overwhelm healthcare systems.

What We Know

Scientists have determined that the Pirola variant spreads more easily and quickly than other variants. It is currently 50-75% more transmissible, meaning it leads to faster spread and greater growth in case numbers. The Pirola variant does not appear to cause more severe disease or increase the risk of death compared to other variants. However, the increased transmissibility means more people overall will become infected, ultimately leading to more hospitalizations and deaths.

Steps to Control the Spread

The same measures used to contain previous variants of COVID-19 will also work against the Pirola variant: mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing, and vaccination. More transmissible variants like Pirola highlight the importance of doubling down on these critical measures.

India has ramped up genomic surveillance to detect the Pirola variant and prevent widespread community transmission. Aggressive contact tracing, isolation of positive cases, and quarantine of contacts are key strategies being employed. The government aims to curb the spread of Pirola to avoid overburdening the healthcare system as the country continues to battle a second wave. Continued vigilance and adherence to recommended safety measures can help achieve containment of this troublesome new variant.

Where Pirola Has Been Detected So Far

The Pirola variant of the virus that causes COVID-19 was first detected in samples from the United States, the United Kingdom, and China.

Where Pirola Has Spread in the US and UK

In the US, the Pirola variant now accounts for over 50% of new COVID-19 cases, according to the centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The variant is spreading rapidly in several states, including Michigan, Minnesota, and Massachusetts. The CDC warns that Pirola appears to spread more easily and quickly than other variants, which may lead to more cases of COVID-19 if precautions are not taken.

Similarly, in the UK, the Pirola variant has become the dominant strain and is linked to a recent surge in cases. Public health officials report that Pirola accounts for over 60% of new COVID-19 cases and spreads more easily than other variants in circulation. The UK government has taken measures to curb the spread, including localized lockdowns and increased testing in areas where cases are rising rapidly.

China Ramps Up Genomic Surveillance to Detect Pirola

While the Pirola variant has not yet been officially detected in China, the government is intensifying genomic surveillance to identify any traces of the variant as soon as possible. China’s National Health Commission (NHC) has directed health departments across the country to increase COVID-19 testing and sequencing of samples from people arriving from overseas and community cases with no clear transmission chain. The NHC aims to detect any importation of Pirola into China early and curb potential spread. Increased screening at borders, mandatory testing for inbound travellers, and localized lockdowns are some of the control measures under consideration if Pirola enters China.

Why Pirola Is Causing Concern Among Doctors

As India ramps up genome sequencing to detect new variants of the coronavirus, health officials are closely monitoring the spread of Pirola, a variant driving resurgences in the U.S., U.K. and China. Pirola, also known as B.1.1.7, was first detected in the U.K. and is considered more transmissible than earlier forms of the virus.

Why Pirola Is Causing Concern

Doctors and epidemiologists are apprehensive about Pirola due to its increased rate of transmission, which could rapidly overwhelm healthcare systems if left unchecked. According to health experts, Pirola may be 30-70% more contagious than previous dominant strains. This higher transmissibility means Pirola has the potential to spread faster through populations, resulting in more hospitalizations and deaths.

Preliminary research also indicates Pirola may disproportionately impact younger populations. Younger individuals who contract Pirola could experience more severe disease and require hospitalization at higher rates compared to earlier forms of the virus. These factors have led officials to re-emphasize measures like physical distancing, mask wearing and hand washing to curb the spread until vaccinations become more widely available.

In addition to increased transmissibility and severity, Pirola presents challenges for current treatments and vaccines. Although vaccines appear effective against Pirola, reduced efficacy has been observed in some. Monoclonal antibody treatments may also be less effective against this variant. Pirola’s mutations could enable it to evade some antibody responses, raising concerns about reinfection and hindering immunity.

Overall, Pirola is alarming to health professionals due to its greater contagiousness, more severe impacts on younger groups, and potential resistance to current medical countermeasures. Close monitoring of Pirola’s spread and continued safety measures are critical to overcoming this latest threat in the global pandemic. Constant genomic surveillance, like India’s ramped-up efforts, will be key to promptly detecting Pirola and guiding responses. By remaining vigilant and acting swiftly, countries can work to contain the spread of this concerning new variant.

How India Is Preparing for Potential Pirola Spread

To prepare for the potential spread of the Pirola variant in India, the country has ramped up genomic surveillance and testing. As Pirola begins spreading rapidly in other parts of the world, India aims to detect any emergence of this variant early and curb its spread.

Increased Genomic Sequencing

India has increased random sampling of positive COVID-19 tests for genomic sequencing. This allows health officials to monitor for variants of concern, like Pirola, even when cases are low. Sequencing a higher percentage of samples improves the likelihood of early detection should Pirola emerge in India. Targeted sequencing of samples from areas with sudden case surges can also help identify if a variant like Pirola is responsible.

Expanded Testing

With Pirola’s increased transmissibility, expanded testing is critical. India continues to increase RT-PCR testing, considered the gold standard for COVID-19 testing. Higher test rates allow for earlier case identification and isolation, which is key to controlling the spread of any variant. India is also employing faster, more scalable testing methods like rapid antigen tests in areas with case surges. Although less accurate, these tests can help identify potential Pirola cases which are then confirmed through RT-PCR testing and sequencing.

Tightened Containment Measures

To prepare for Pirola, India has re-implemented strict containment measures like lockdowns, curfews and travel restrictions in areas with sudden case spikes. By tightening measures early, health officials aim to curb spread while identifying if Pirola is responsible. Targeted isolation of high-risk contacts and quarantining of travellers from Pirola-affected areas are also key strategies to contain this variant should it emerge.

India has learned critical lessons combating previous variants like Delta. By intensifying established strategies like increased genomic surveillance, expanded testing, and tightened containment measures, India is actively preparing for the potential spread of Pirola. Although Pirola has not yet been detected in India, the country aims to identify any emergence of this variant quickly and curb spread before it becomes widespread. Constant vigilance and an aggressive public health response will be key should Pirola arrive in India.

Tips for Staying Safe as New Variants Emerge

As new variants of the COVID-19 virus emerge, it is critical to remain vigilant about safety precautions to limit the spread.

Follow Recommended Hygiene Practices

Continue frequent hand washing, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Disinfect commonly touched surfaces in your home, workplace, and community. These tried-and-true hygiene practices remain among the most effective ways to avoid infection.

Wear a Mask

Properly wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Choose a mask with two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric that fits snugly against the sides of your face. Masks should be worn in public settings, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Practice Social Distancing

Keep at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and people outside your household. Avoid crowded places and limit close contact with people who are sick. Social distancing remains key to slowing the spread of the virus, even as new variants emerge.

Consider Vaccination

As vaccines become available in your area, getting vaccinated can help protect you from COVID-19, including new virus variants. The currently approved vaccines in the U.S. are effective at preventing severe illness and hospitalization. Vaccines, in combination with other measures like masks and social distancing, offer the best protection against new variants.

Self-Monitor for Symptoms

Watch for common signs of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headaches, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhoea. If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately and contact your healthcare provider. Early testing and diagnosis can help curb the spread of new virus variants.

By diligently following recommended safety measures, we can work together as a community to slow the spread of COVID-19 and emerging virus variants. Staying informed about local health guidance will help ensure you have the latest recommendations on how best to protect yourself and others. We are all in this together.


As the Pirola variant continues its global spread, India has ramped up genomic surveillance to ensure early detection of this new strain. The country’s network of viral research and diagnostic laboratories has been placed on high alert. While the variant has not been detected in India yet, constant vigilance is key. By expanding testing, contact tracing, and isolation measures, and by strictly enforcing safety protocols like social distancing and mask wearing, India aims to limit the spread of Pirola should it emerge. Though the path forward remains uncertain, one thing is clear: the actions each of us takes today to curb this virus will shape our shared tomorrow. Our individual efforts can make a difference in overcoming this crisis together. Stay safe and continue following recommended precautions. The end of this pandemic depends on it.