Surrogate Marketing: Techniques of Promotion of Banned Products’ Brands 

In Technology
July 14, 2023
surrogate marketing

Under government regulations, few products are banned for direct advertising or marketing. The government banned the direct marketing of liquor, gambling games and tobacco. Brands have to promote their products anyhow so they use surrogate marketing. Surrogate marketing is a form of advertising used to promote the products which are banned to be promoted directly. It is legal to some extent as directly no banned product is marketed or advertised. Brands take every precaution and then launch such marketing. Nowadays, Vimal pan masala advertisement is in trend as it has three superstars. They indirectly promote tobacco but in the ad, pan masala is shown. Every brand uses a different strategy to promote such products. 

How does the brewery industry use surrogate marketing?

Surrogate marketing is commonly used in the alcohol industry due to strict regulations on advertising alcoholic beverages in many countries. Here are some common ways that surrogate marketing is used in the alcohol industry: 

  • Brand extension: Alcohol companies often use brand extensions to promote non-alcoholic versions of their products, such as non-alcoholic beer or soda. By promoting these non-alcoholic products, they can indirectly promote their brand and increase brand recognition.
  • Sponsorships: Alcohol companies may sponsor events or organizations that are not related to alcohol, such as music concerts or sports events, and use their brand logos and colors to promote their products indirectly.
  • Lifestyle advertising: Alcohol companies may use lifestyle advertising to promote their brand indirectly. For example, they may create advertisements that show people having a good time at a party or social event without showing the actual alcohol.
  • Product placement: Alcohol companies may use product placement in movies or TV shows to promote their brand indirectly. For example, a character in a movie may be seen drinking a particular brand of beer, which indirectly promotes the brand.
  • Influencer marketing: Alcohol companies may use influencers to promote their brand indirectly. Influencers may share posts on social media showing themselves enjoying a non-alcoholic version of the brand’s product or using branded merchandise, which indirectly promotes the brand.

How Do Gaming Firms Deploy Surrogate Marketing?

Surrogate marketing is also commonly used by betting companies, especially in countries where gambling advertising is restricted or prohibited. Here are some examples of how betting companies use surrogate marketing:

Sports Sponsorships: Betting companies may sponsor sports teams, leagues, or events as a way to indirectly promote their brand. This allows them to gain visibility and increase brand recognition without directly advertising their gambling services.

  • Brand Extension: Betting companies may also use brand extensions to promote their non-gambling services, such as sports news websites, sports betting podcasts, or fantasy sports leagues. These extensions allow them to promote their brand indirectly while providing useful services to customers.
  • Influencer Marketing: Betting companies may use influencers to promote their brand indirectly on social media platforms. Influencers may share content related to sports, such as predictions or analysis, without directly promoting the betting services.
  • Content Marketing: Betting companies may produce content related to sports or events, such as articles, videos, or podcasts. This content allows them to engage with customers and promote their brand indirectly without advertising gambling services.
  • Cross-Promotion: Betting companies may use cross-promotion to promote their brand indirectly. For example, they may offer free bets or promotions for customers who sign up for their non-gambling services.

How do Pan Masala Firms Use Surrogate Marketing?

Surrogate marketing is a common practice in the pan masala industry, as the advertising and promotion of tobacco products are heavily restricted in many countries. Here are some ways that pan masala companies use surrogate marketing:

  • Product Placement: Pan masala companies pay for product placement in movies, TV shows, or music videos, where characters are seen consuming the product. This indirect promotion increases brand visibility without directly advertising tobacco products.
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Pan masala companies may use celebrity endorsements to promote their brand indirectly. Celebrities may be seen endorsing the pan masala product or attending events sponsored by the company, which indirectly promotes the brand
  • Sponsorships: Pan masala companies may sponsor events, such as concerts or festivals, and use their brand logos and colors to indirectly promote their products.
  • Branded Merchandise: Pan masala companies may sell branded merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, or bags, which indirectly promotes their brand.
  • Brand Extension: Pan masala companies may use brand extensions to promote non-tobacco products, such as candy or mouth fresheners, which indirectly promotes their brand.

Final Words

Surrogate Marketing is legal, but sometimes it would be misleading to some consumers. Industries such as tobacco, gambling and alcohol should be transparent and ethical in their marketing practices and avoid misleading customers. They should promote responsible consumption practices of their products and avoid promoting excessive use of their products which can lead to harmful diseases like cancer.