Doraemon and Shinchan became part of every Indian kid’s childhood. These all animation shows are based in Japan. The wooden houses, clean cities, unique punishments in school, basketball, Dora cake, and all the stuff kids watch in cartoons are totally different from India.
Japan shocks the world every time with its advanced technology. Some Gadgets in Japan make people compelled to say that Japan is living in the future. Still, they are well connected with their roots. Japan is not well blessed with the weather and natural things. There is a very high frequency of earthquakes and other natural calamities. Still, they cope with all that and nothing can stop Japan from growing sustainably.
Here are a few things which India should learn from Japan:
- Engineering- Japan is famous for its unique innovation in technology and robotics. Japanese technology has a unique variation of robotics which is making the work easier. About 50% of the total robots in the world are made and utilized in Japan. Japan generates a lot of employment and revenue from the robot industry.
- Safety- Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, unlike India. People leave their kids and even bags unattended while shopping and in other public places. Women and kids stroll back in dark streets. There is no threat of robbery or snatching. Indians should learn from Japan how a good living ecosystem can be provided to all.
- Work Ethics- An average Japanese person gives more importance to work over personal life, leisure, and other comforts. They are brought up like this so that they fit very easily into corporate culture. This characteristic emerges from the spiritual and social ethos of the people – a degree of reverence for elders and for authority that is instilled from childhood, both at home and school. This makes them more responsible and dedicated to their work which eventually causes more productivity.
- Connected with roots- Japan has a rich culture and unlike other countries, japan is not much influenced by Western culture in terms of food, clothing, lifestyle, and language. Indians should learn from Japan how a culture can be preserved in its best way.
- Spirituality at its peak- Apart from technology and modern approach, they are still stuck with their religion and tradition. Japanese tradition and old rituals can still be seen in their lifestyle. There are many small or big temples at every nook or cranny. There are two main religions – Buddhism and Shintosim. All the complexes have both Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Japanese people worship the deities of both religions. India is a so-called secular country but there is no religious harmony. We as Indians should learn how a person should respect all religions.
- Discipline- Discipline can be seen in Japanese homes, workplaces, and public places. Japanese remove their shoes at the door, and their kids make their beds on their own. We all have seen it in cartoon shows also. People stand in queues to get onto the train or bus. At work, they are very punctual and dedicated. These all things make Japan special. Indians don’t know how to behave and they don’t even know how to keep the house clean. Indians should also maintain discipline so that the next generation can learn something and make a better world to live in.
- Good quality of food- Japanese food is not just expensive food like sushi or sashimi. There are convenience stores foods where one can have delicious and comfortable food at a cheaper rate. There is a wide range of sandwiches, salads, beverages, snacks, and many other ready-to-have meals. The store attendant can offer a reheating facility. No doubt, there are many cheap street foods available in India but there is a compromise of quality most of the time. India should learn how good quality food can be made available at an affordable price.
- Cleanliness- Japan has as many fish as can be spotted in the drainage. There is no littering or garbage on the road. It’s not because there are dustbins everywhere. But people keep garbage with themselves until they find an appropriate place to dispose of the garbage. In schools, students maintain cleanliness and work as janitors for some time daily. They understand the importance of cleanliness and India must learn from them how manpower can be used by engaging them to clean the country.
- Systematized train system- Bullet trains are an integral and important part of Japanese life. If the train gets delayed even for a few seconds, train authorities apologize. The second name of perfection is how the trains in Japan are cleaned and prepared for the next departure in 7 minutes. In India, trains are always late. Indian Railways really need to learn how to be punctual from Japan.
- Face Mask- If you see a person wearing a surgical mask in Japan, it does not mean that he is protecting himself from pollution. Instead, he is sick and doesn’t want to spread viruses and is trying to keep other people safe. This is the thing the entire world should learn from the Japanese. In indiaṣ, the situation is totally reversed. Even in colonial times, it was hard in India to convince people to wear surgical masks for their own protection.
Final words
See, no culture or country is superior or inferior. But if a specific lifestyle is becoming the barrier to living a happy life, then change becomes important. Indians are not taught about discipline and cleanliness much because it’s not our preference to be Indian. These are the things we can learn from Japan and even from the northeast part of India also.