6 Hacks to Drop Your Phone and Rediscover the Magic of Reading

In Lifestyle
October 14, 2024

In today’s hyper-connected world, smartphones dominate our time and attention, making it harder than ever to sit down with a good book. Studies show that our attention spans are shrinking, and even book lovers find it difficult to focus on reading for long stretches. But all is not lost! With the right strategies, you can break free from digital distractions and rediscover the magic of reading. Here are six expert tips to help you put down your phone and fall back in love with books.

 1. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Put Your Phone Away

One of the simplest yet most powerful tricks to focus on reading is to physically remove your phone from your space. Digital detox expert Tanya Goodin explains that having your phone even in the same room can disrupt your concentration. To truly immerse yourself in a book, keep your phone in a different room or turn it off entirely. If you need to check it, set designated times—don’t let it control you.

 2. Go Old-School: Choose Physical Books

There’s something magical about holding a physical book that no e-reader or smartphone can replicate. Author Damian Barr believes that carrying a physical book everywhere is essential for serious reading. Paper books won’t distract you with notifications or tempt you to check social media. Plus, the tactile experience of turning pages and marking favorite quotes can enhance your connection to the material.

 3. Retrain Your Brain: Start Small

Jumping back into reading after a long break can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re used to the instant gratification of smartphones. Start small. Daisy Buchanan, host of the You’re Booked podcast, suggests setting an easy-to-achieve goal, like reading 10 pages a day. As with exercise, you’ll slowly build stamina, and before you know it, reading will feel natural again. 

 4. Find Your Sweet Spot: Create a Reading Routine

Everyone has an optimal time and environment for reading. For some, mornings are the perfect time to read before daily distractions kick in. Others might find late nights more peaceful. Experiment with different times of the day to find what works best for you, and create a cozy, distraction-free reading nook to make the experience enjoyable.

 5. Audiobooks: Your Secret Gateway

If you’re struggling to get back into the habit of reading, audiobooks can be a great starting point. You can listen while commuting, exercising, or even cooking. Audiobooks allow you to consume stories without requiring focused attention on the page, helping you ease back into the world of books.

 6. Make Reading Fun Again: Choose Books You Love

If you’re tackling dense, difficult literature, reading may feel like a chore. Start by reading books that bring you joy. Revisit old favorites, dive into fun genres, or pick up bestsellers. Building your reading habit with enjoyable material will reawaken your love for books and pave the way for tackling more challenging reads down the line.

 Final Thoughts

In an age where our phones have become constant companions, it’s important to intentionally carve out time for reading. By following these six expert hacks, you can overcome distractions, rebuild your attention span, and rediscover the magic of getting lost in a great book. Remember, it’s not about how much you read but how deeply you engage with the story.