TCS Unveils Neural Manufacturing Solutions on Microsoft Cloud

In Business
August 08, 2023
TCS Unveils Neural Manufacturing Solutions

Recently, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) unveiled its TCS Neural Manufacturing suite of solutions on the newly introduced Microsoft Cloud, specifically designed for the manufacturing industry. The primary aim is to enhance resilience and sustainability by enabling operational visibility, seamless data integration, and digital collaboration. This cloud platform brings together a variety of Microsoft technologies, all interconnected through a unified data model.

Sreenivasa Chakravarti, the global head of IoT and digital engineering at TCS, highlighted the significant opportunity presented by the introduction of Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing. He emphasized that this development allowed TCS to leverage their extensive expertise in industrial IoT and engineering solutions and integrate them seamlessly into the TCS Neural Manufacturing suite. With this integration, customers are empowered to enhance their manufacturing operations, strengthen their competitive position, and prepare for the future.

TCS and Microsoft Unveil the Neural Manufacturing Suite at Hannover Messe 2023

TCS, with its vast industry knowledge and strong partnerships with global enterprises, empowers manufacturers to achieve their business goals. Through the integration of a multi-horizon cloud transformation framework, TCS facilitates large-scale transformations in the manufacturing sector. With the Neural Manufacturing suite, featuring Clever EnergyTM, Cognitive Plant Operations Adviser, and digital manufacturing solutions, enterprises gain connected, cognitive, and collaborative capabilities to drive their transformation initiatives.

At the Hannover Messe 2023 event in Germany, TCS and Microsoft collaborated to present these Neural Manufacturing suite of solutions. This comprehensive suite includes clever energy, cognitive plant operations advisor, and digital manufacturing solutions. The showcase emphasized the potential for manufacturers to harness these solutions to establish boundary less business models, provide seamless customer experiences, and improve the efficiency of their value chains.

The Microsoft Business Unit (MBU) at TCS actively engages with clients worldwide, forging robust collaborations to expedite their seamless transition to the cloud. Armed with a dedicated workforce of 50,000 highly skilled and Microsoft certified associates, this specialized unit is wholly committed to providing unparalleled support and guidance to clients as they embark on their transformative cloud journey. Through innovative solutions and industry-leading expertise, MBU TCS empowers businesses to harness the full potential of cloud technologies, driving enhanced efficiency, scalability, and agility to thrive in the digital era.

Transforming Industries: TCS and Microsoft Collaborate to Drive Efficiency and Sustainability through Data-led Insights

TCS stands at the forefront of actively engaging with its valued customers to revolutionize plant operations, prioritize safety, and drive unparalleled excellence by harnessing the potential of data-driven insights on the robust Microsoft Cloud platform. Through strong partnerships with TCS and the strategic implementation of cutting-edge digital twin technology, a global manufacturing giant witnessed a remarkable surge in its average yield and process consistency, courtesy of the wealth of richer data-led insights provided. This transformative collaboration underpins the company’s unyielding commitment to efficiency and productivity.

Furthermore, in pursuit of a sustainable future, a prominent consumer goods conglomerate has found a trusted ally in TCS, as they embark on an ambitious journey towards achieving their net-zero objectives. TCS’ innovative sustainability solutions on the formidable Azure platform have become instrumental in empowering the company to chart a course towards environmental responsibility, balancing commercial success with ecological stewardship.

These remarkable instances of cooperation exemplify the profound impact of TCS’ unparalleled expertise and the unparalleled potency of Microsoft technologies, united in purpose, as they continue to pave the way for businesses to not only meet but exceed their operational and sustainability aspirations.