G20 Delegates to Get Lasting Impression of Revamped Delhi

In Technology
September 08, 2023
g20 submit bharat

As a G20 delegate arriving in Delhi for this year’s summit, you will be greeted with a city transformed. Extensive infrastructure upgrades and beautification projects have given India’s capital a makeover that aims to showcase it as a world-class destination. According to Public Works Department Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, the improvements implemented specifically for the G20 summit will leave you with a lasting impression of a revitalized Delhi.

From overhauled roads and overpasses to manicured lawns and art installations, the city’s facelift is designed to highlight its cultural heritage and cosmopolitan spirit. While security concerns remain given recent unrest, Minister Bharadwaj has assured delegates that the Delhi Police will take strict action against any who tamper with or steal the new assets created for the summit. Over the coming days, you will witness firsthand the results of Delhi’s efforts to cement its status as a preeminent global city and ideal host for major world events. The makeover may be temporary, but the memories of Delhi’s transformation are sure to endure long after the summit’s conclusion.

Delhi Gets a Facelift for the G20 Summit

As the host city for the G20 summit, Delhi has undergone a major facelift to ensure a lasting impression on the delegates. According to Delhi PWD Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, strict action will be taken against those tampering with the new infrastructure.

Beautification and Cleanliness Drive

A massive beautification and cleanliness drive has been undertaken across Delhi, especially along routes from the airport to summit venues. Damaged roads have been repaired, medians adorned with flowers and the city’s infrastructure given a fresh coat of paint. To portray Delhi as a “model city,” extra attention was paid to landscaping gardens, installing decorative lights and placing signage.

Tightened Security

Security has been tightened across Delhi through deployment of extra police forces, installation of CCTV cameras and barricading sensitive locations. Police are on high alert for any unlawful activity that may disrupt the summit. Commissioner Rakesh Asthana stated security arrangements have been made in coordination with central agencies to ensure full proof safety of delegates.

Civic Amenities Overhaul

Basic amenities like public toilets, garbage collection and sewage systems have been upgraded to match international standards. The PWD Minister said continuous inspections will be done to identify and fix any issues immediately. Hospitals have also been directed to be on standby for any medical emergencies.

The revamp of Delhi for the G20 summit aims to highlight India as a premier destination for global events. By overhauling infrastructure and tightening security, Delhi wants to make a lasting impression on the international community about India’s potential. The summit’s success will be a milestone in Delhi’s journey to becoming a “world-class city.”

Beautification Projects Undertaken by PWD

To ensure a lasting impression on the G20 delegates, the Public Works Department (PWD) of Delhi has undertaken extensive beautification and infrastructure projects across the city.

Road Infrastructure and Connectivity

The PWD aims to complete several road redevelopment and streetscaping projects before the summit in November. This includes improving road surfaces, increasing pedestrian walkways, and upgrading infrastructure along major roads leading to the summit venues. The projects will enhance connectivity and mobility in the city for both vehicles and pedestrians.

Green Spaces and Recreational Areas

The department has focused efforts on improving and upgrading green spaces, parks and recreational areas in Delhi to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment for residents and visitors. Some of the key projects include redeveloping Lodhi Garden, upgrading facilities at the Garden of Five Senses in Said-ul-Ajaib village, and revamping green spaces along the Yamuna riverfront.

Facade Lighting of Monuments

To highlight the city’s history and architecture, the PWD will illuminate the facades of major monuments like Red Fort, Humayun’s Tomb and Purana Qila. The special lighting effects will start on the eve of the summit and continue until its conclusion.

Cleanliness and Sanitation

The department has partnered with civic agencies to improve cleanliness standards across Delhi before the G20 summit. Efforts include increased mechanized sweeping and waste collection, deployment of additional sanitation staff, and strict enforcement of anti-littering laws. The projects aim to present a clean and hygienic city to the visiting delegates from G20 nations.

Through these broad-ranging efforts, the PWD strives to provide G20 delegates with a lasting impression of Delhi as a world-class city with a vibrant culture, rich heritage, quality infrastructure and a clean environment. The revamped cityscape will highlight Delhi’s status as a premier global destination.

Security Concerns Raised by Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj

Security Concerns Raised by Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj

The revamped infrastructure and facilities in Delhi for the G20 summit have raised security concerns, according to Delhi Public Works Department Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj. He stated that the Delhi Police must take strict action against those who steal or damage the newly created assets for the summit.

The minister emphasized that the Public Works Department has upgraded Delhi’s infrastructure keeping in mind the needs of the distinguished G20 guests. This includes improvements to roadways, walkways and buildings that will provide a lasting impression of Delhi’s grandeur. However, Bharadwaj cautioned that these valuable improvements could be targets for thieves and vandals seeking to profit from the sale of stolen goods or materials.

  • Road signs, manhole covers, copper wiring and metal railings are particularly vulnerable to theft. The Delhi Police should increase night patrols and surveillance to deter thieves, catch perpetrators in the act, and recover stolen goods before the summit.
  • Acts of vandalism like graffiti, property damage or arson threaten Delhi’s revitalized image. The police must take a zero-tolerance stance against vandals to prevent destruction of public and private property before the G20 events. Strict legal consequences and stiff penalties should be imposed on anyone caught damaging infrastructure or facilities.
  • Additional security precautions should be implemented at vulnerable sites like construction areas, scaffolding or temporary infrastructure. Temporary fencing, security guards and video monitoring are options to consider protecting these locations from unauthorized access or criminal plans.

The minister concluded that comprehensive security measures are essential to showcase Delhi’s potential as a world-class host for major international events like the G20 summit. Safeguarding the city’s brand new infrastructure and keeping criminal activities at bay will ensure delegates experience the best Delhi has to offer. With proactive and vigilant policing, the lasting impression left on G20 guests will be one of a modern, secure and thriving Delhi.

Lasting Improvements to Delhi’s Infrastructure

The preparations for the G20 summit have led to lasting improvements in Delhi’s infrastructure that will leave a lasting impression on delegates.

Improved Roads and Flyovers

Delhi’s Public Works Department has overseen the construction and repair of roads, flyovers and underpasses in the city to ensure smooth transit for G20 guests. These upgrades will benefit Delhi residents long after the summit concludes. New roads and widened carriageways will reduce traffic and make it easier to navigate the city.

Beautification of Public Spaces

The PWD has also focused on enhancing the appearance of public spaces like parks, green areas and tourist attractions. Fresh plantings, well-tended lawns, decorative lighting and pedestrian-friendly walkways will make a positive and enduring impact. By making the city more attractive and liveable, these efforts promote civic pride in Delhiites and encourage

Upgraded Airport and Metro

To facilitate travel for G20 attendees, Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport and metro rail system have undergone modernization. Terminal expansions, additional security screening areas and new metro lines will continue serving Delhi and all visitors to the city for years to come. Smooth and efficient infrastructure is essential for a world-class city, and Delhi is poised to make an excellent impression.

Enhanced Security

Finally, security has been tightened across Delhi through the installation of CCTV cameras, deployment of extra police personnel, and coordination with various law enforcement agencies. While some measures are temporary, an overall heightened attention to security will benefit all of Delhi even after the summit ends.

Delhi is ready to welcome the G20 and eager to display the city’s dynamism. Lasting improvements made in preparation for this global event will elevate Delhi’s status on the world stage. Delegates will surely come away with a memorable and positive impression of India’s capital city.


As you stroll through the revamped streets of Delhi during the G20 summit, you will no doubt gain an appreciation for the city’s rich history and culture. The improvements to infrastructure and public spaces showcase a Delhi poised to take its place on the global stage. When world leaders depart, they will carry with them lasting impressions of a city embracing its destiny as a preeminent capital of the 21st century. The summit may be fleeting, but its impact on Delhi’s future will endure far beyond the closing ceremonies. A new Delhi is emerging, one ready to inspire visitors and residents alike with the wonders of the past, present and future. The G20 delegates can say they were there when the world took notice.