How Social Platforms Contribute to the Rise of Narcissistic Behaviors?

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April 04, 2023
Social Platforms

In India, there are more than 470 million active social media users which are 35% of the total population of India. Social media platforms keep people connected online. It provides platforms for people to get to know what is going on in the world, what other people are into and about lifestyle, trends, and viral stuff. It is a good source of entertainment as well. But few people forget to keep a balance in online and offline life. Extreme use and obsession with social media platforms make people narcissistic. There are many youngsters whose lives revolve around likes and comments. To get more likes and comments, people are ready to do weird stuff too. One of the examples is this recent example.

A few days back, There was a girl spotted in Delhi metro with very negligible clothes. She got negative publicity which made her viral. She got many followers due to this incident.

People have been attention seekers due to social media.

Social media is not a single reason for narcissistic behavior, overconfidence also contributes to this. Sometimes a person after a few accomplishments becomes overconfident. He becomes close to feedback and he starts to feel that they deserve special treatment and attention. This leads to a lack of empathy for others. 

Different Traits That Can Be Commonly Seen In A Narcissist Person

Several narcissistic traits can rise due to the influence of a person over other people which include:

  • Grandiosity: The belief that one is superior to others and deserves special treatment, attention, or recognition.
  • Self-centeredness: A focus on one’s own needs and desires over the needs and desires of others.
  • Entitlement: A sense of entitlement to special treatment or privileges, often without having earned them.
  • Lack of empathy: Difficulty recognizing or caring about the feelings or experiences of others.
  • Manipulation: A tendency to manipulate others to get what one wants, often through charm or flattery.
  • Arrogance: An attitude of superiority or condescension towards others.\
  • Envy: Feelings of envy or resentment towards others who are perceived as more successful or accomplished.
  • Exploitation: A willingness to exploit others for personal gains, such as using people for their purposes or taking advantage of others’ vulnerabilities.
  • Attention-seeking: A constant need for attention, admiration, or recognition from others.

Final Words

Some traits can be reinforced and amplified by social influence, such as through the media, peer groups, or social media that can define a person as a narcissist. It is important to be aware of the potential impact of these influences on our personality and behaviors and to strive for a healthy balance between our own needs and the needs of others.