Why Cutting Refined Sugar Could Be the Best Health Decision You Make

In Health
September 09, 2024

In the human diet, sugar appears in two main forms: that occurs naturally. You can eat sugar that is present in foods like milk, fruits and to prepare , processed or the other foods and  drinks. Making the decision to cut the consumption of sugar from your diet is not easy. Meanwhile, cutting off sugar completely may help you with weight loss, oral health, heart health and other issues. It is also important to understand that, despite the fact that sugar is not considered a “healthy” meal; consuming it in moderation is fine.

Cutting sugar is considered to be healthy; that means cutting the added sugar completely. It would not be healthy to cut out natural sugar resources from your diet. Eliminating sugar entirely means excluding some healthy food options. Sugar is a naturally occurring substance found in milk, fruits and vegetables but it can also beaded to food and drinks. Regarding how long it would take for a human body to adapt to not consume sugar, there is not any particular data. Nevertheless, this could vary based upon your tolerance level for sugar-filled foods and drinks.

If you have a sweet tooth, then it will be difficult for you to resist its craving. Meanwhile, if you usually consume less sugar then it would not be hard for you to restrict it.

What happens when you don’t consume sugar for a month?

The effects of giving up sugar for a month will probably vary from person to person, just like with a sugar detox. Lower energy levels is one possible effect of eliminating sugar. The human body uses sugar as its main source of energy. Carbohydrates are macronutrients that are broken down to produce glucose. It might also affect your mood. Since, sugar consumption releases endorphins and dopamine, which are feel good hormones; if it is the reason you are used to feeling that way, it might have a bad side effect on your feelings.

Some might try to cut sugar immediately. If they don’t do it slowly, they may eventually find it difficult to avoid eating or drinking anything that has sugar. Reducing the intake of added sugar has many advantages. You can consult a licensed dietician for further details.

Here are 5 benefits of cutting sugar from your diet:-

1. Weight Management- Since sugar-filled foods and drinks are usually heavy in calories but less in nutrients, cutting back on sugar can help you control or lose your weight. Reducing the amount of calories intake from sugar can either stop weight gain or promote weight loss.

2. Better Heart Health- Consumption of too much sugar is associated with higher risk of heart disease. Reducing sugar intake can help in lowering your blood pressure, triglyceride levels and the chance of heart disease development.

3. Better Skin- Sugar may accelerate the aging process of the skin and increase irritation. Cutting sugar can help you age slowly. You will have clearer skin and less breakouts.

4. Better Mental Health- Sugar  can affect hormone levels and trigger inflammation in the brain. Cutting back on sugar can help you with mood enhancement; reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

5. Better Oral Health- Sugar promotes the growth of dangerous bacteria living in your mouth which causes gum diseases and cavities. Cutting back on sugar improves gum and tooth health and reduces the chances of tooth decay.

To sum it up, eliminating sugar from your diet can have a major positive effect on your health with several benefits. Cutting sugar does not mean cutting all the sources; it means cutting added sugar-filled foods like cold drinks, desserts and other junk food. You can promote a healthy lifestyle and increase general lifespan by implementing this change. You should also ask your loved ones to implement these few tips in their diet.